This may be weird, but it was so funny then...
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Sunday, 15 November 2015
My Asexual Story
I recently heard some critique about
how ”a blogger should have a face” so prepare to watch mine
during this post. The pictures were taken by a friend, three
years ago I think, but I chose to decorate the post with these
because it's rare for me to look as energetic as in most of them. At least I think that
lively pictures are more interesting to look at, and besides, only my
hair lenght has changed since these were taken.
All of the photos are from my parents' yard. :) |
The Asexual Awareness Week was already
some weeks ago and I didn't do anything for it. I almost forgot the
whole thing, which makes me feel kind of bad. So I thought I could do
something more... personal, than what I usually do and share my
”asexual story” here now, because I've actually shared it with
very few people, even though none of it is a secret. And asexuals can
always do with more representation, even if it's this small. Nobody
talks about us in sex ed. class so we still have to be lucky to even
come accross the concept.
I will not explain what asexuality is
here, so if you don't know, go pick up the terms here: AVEN - The Asexual Visibility and Education Network
I actually got inspired by two things:
I finally got around reading Julie Decker's book The
Invisible Orientation,
which is exactly the kind of book we needed about asexuality. It
would probably benefit many people on this corner of the globe too,
if it was translated into Finnish *wink wink publishers*. Anyway,
reading it certainly made me reminiscene quite a bit and awoke many
”if only I had know about this when” -feelings again. I really,
really wish that asexuals of the next generations didn't have to grow
up as invisible as we have to this day. Partly because I received the
book at a good time, I was also inspired to choose an asexuality
related topic for a presentation I have to give at school. That's the
other thing that inspired me to write this post, because I had to do some research on the
topic I hadn't really done before and I actually learned some new
things myself.
So, all of that kind of reminded me again, how even the smallest
outreach can have a meaning and the time and place when you first
encounter a word that redefines your whole life, might be around the
oddest and most incidental corner. It certainly was for me. And I was
already 18 years old when it happened.
I suppose the first time I felt something was off, or that I wasn't
part of something my classmates seemed to get intuitively, was when
fifth or sixth grade biology classes gave everyone some kind of
social approval to talk about this tabu that sex was to most untill
that age. I still remember well how everyone, as far as I noticed,
had this gleam in their eyes and excited blush on their cheeks when
they finally had the freedom to talk about it.
I didn't feel I was fully able to get it but I tried my best to
relate. Apparently, I didn't do too well. When my part in the
conversation was approximately ”Do you think arousal is something
that happens in your mouth?” and ”I wonder how on earth someone
came up with sex in the first place?” everyone just stared at me
like they couldn't decide whether I was mental or joking. I was left
feeling very confused and it took some time to realize others didn't
have to ask that kind of questions. They could relate anyway. I, on
the other hand couldn't comprehend why someone would want to have sex
if not for having children. Before those biology classes toward the
end of elementary school I had no idea it was something people had a
specific drive for.
Some asexuals do have sex drives but I still think this is an
important thing to note. It is already taken for granted in
elementary school that everyone intuitively knows what it is, what it
feels like and where it directs you. It is an instinct, and that's
why nobody really explains it. But even asexuals who have sex drives,
may not be able to instinctively relate it to sex because it doesn't
pull them towards any person. It is important that this is recognized
as normal, it's important that schools will teach kids that there's
nothing wrong with them if they don't relate. Especially because
there's such a good chance that they're the only one in their class
who doesn't.
this point it's also relevant to mention I'm aromantic (=not feeling
romantic attraction), because in my case it makes little sense to try
to distinguish that experience completely from asexuality, although I always had
a more intuitive understanding for romance, because I was always
empathetic and romance was something everyone talked about since they were very young, unlike sex. I liked romance in fiction as much as
any other kinds of relationships, so I actually bought into having
crushes for quite a long time... sort of. I had a hunch that I didn't feel what others felt in
that area. But I mostly tried to ignore it and relate my feelings to
the boxes that were available.
In elementary school I got a reputation as ”the romance therapist
who'd never had a crush” among my friends. It was justified. I
always seemed to become the natural consultant for most of my friends
and I know I usually gave good advice and analyzed people's feelings
well. And it didn't make any difference whether those feelings were
romantic or not. But at some point it always started to bug people.
How was I able to give good advice if I didn't have anyone I liked?
Because I evidently did understand romance, that was never called
into question. Instead people figured I must be lying about not
liking anyone for some reason like being childish or deliberately
wanting to be stubborn. That time some of my friends came up with
calling the people who didn't have a crush at the moment ”a skull”
and the ones who did they called ”a heart”. I was sometimes
referred to as ”perpetually a skull” and it was constantly implied
that it wasn't ok. At some point the pressure became too much and so I started consciously choosing crushes for myself.
Basically I just picked a boy I thought was kind and whom none of my
friends liked at the moment.
I did have ”squishes” (=”aromantic crush” basically an
intense wish to get to know someone better but no desire to have a
romantic relationship with them. More like a facination with one's
personality). Which I of course tried to interpret as what
my friends experienced when they had a crush on someone. This was
rare, I can still probably count my squishes on one hand but when I
had one in elementary school I tried my hardest to keep that feeling
alive. It made me feel closer to all my friends. But eventually (already in middle school) I had to
admit that it was different. When I was pushed to confess my feelings
I had to admit to myself that I didn't refrain from it because I was
shy. (Well, I was shy so I kind of tried that excuse too but...). The
truth was that I had no desire to date the person, or kiss, or do
anything remotely ”romantic” with them or even have that person
in any way exclusively ”mine”. The only things I would've wanted
to do with that person were the things I liked to do with basically
any friend. I was not jealous when that person had a girlfriend, and
when it turned out they had sent me a Valentine's Day card signed ”secret admirer”,
I was sad.
It was in middle school when I first started to explain my experience
to myself, and on occasion to others. I remember using the phrase ”My
love just isn't physical”. At which my peers obviously rolled their
eyes and figured I was just really immature. They used every
opportunity to emphasize how sex made a relationship serious and
real. That if I didn't want to kiss someone, I obviously didn't
really love them. Or how my feelings for anyone could not even be
taken seriously if they didn't involve that kind of physical
was also in middle school when the thought really struck me that I
could never
date anyone or get married. That was an inevitable conclusion for me
then, because at that time I had finally fully internalized the
message I'd seen implied eveywhere my whole life: that in a
relationship, romance and sex were a given, those things were
expected of me and if I couldn't do that, I could not
be loved, my feelings for anyone could never be as important as those
of a romantic/sexual partner, and the general population would always figure there was something wrong with me. And I realized that to me,
romance and sex were deal breakers.
did not arrive to this conclusion hastily, like everyone seemed to
think. If I ever tried to suggest something along those lines, I only
got laughed at or pitied for my ”narrow-mindedness”. Everyone
clearly thought I just woke up one day feeling like I needed to make a point of declaring sex "unimportant", or that I
was scared of relationships, or that I was gay and couldn't admit
it to myself. None of this was true, of course. I had tried to see
people in a sexual way most of the time everyone else had been open
about the fact that they did. It just never worked, no matter how
much I tried. Just picturing closeness with someone leading
to even kissing, only arose one feeling in me: NOPE.
Bear with my amateur ballet... |
it was not because I was touch averse. Not in the least. Being a
dancer, it was everyday for me to be touched by both guys and girls,
sometimes in a manner you wouldn't casually touch your friends. I
just never thought anything of it, it always felt neutral so I wasn't
even conscious about whether it felt like something or not. At some
point I had to realize that for some people, dancing had
some kind of romantic/sexual innuendo. (That was probably very slow of me, since
I was into folk dance and the coreographies are often explicitly about courting, but...
apparently I just took fiction as fiction and dancing as dancing.)
the truth was that I could not think of having sex with a significant
other any more than I could think of having sex with a sibling. And
for me, having a romantic relationship with a person was just as
ridiculous as having a romantic relationship with my cat.
is another significant issue I think the world needs to realize at
large. Asexuals are not all indifferent to sex and that should be
respected. If a straight person doesn't want to have sex with a
member of their own sex, it's taken for granted that of course they
wouldn't do that, it wouldn't make any sense for them to even try.
But asexuals are still told to just ”get over it” and do it
anyway and people act like it's only the asexual person's responsibility to compromise if they're in a relationship.
people still tell me the famous ”You can't know if you haven't
tried”. But it is ridiculous. Nobody else had to try sex to know
they wanted it in the first place. They tried it because
they wanted it. When somebody says something like this, it is usually
clear that they just can't comprehend that ”not feeling sexual
attraction” actually means not feeling that pull towards anyone at
all. Straight people didn't have to try sex with the opposite gender
before they knew they were straight. And nobody told them to try sex
with the same gender to prove they weren't secretly gay. Of course
some people are okay with having sex with someone they're not
attracted to, but some are not, and most people don't treat them like
they should be. Asexuals should not be held to different standards.
We can know our orientation just as instictively as anyone else.
of high school I actually lived in relative peace with the notion
that dating was not for me. Because I had never felt it would enrich
my life anyway, having a conclusion about it made me feel kind of
free. The reason I needed the conclusion in the first place, was just
because I was expected to date at some point. Changing school also
took the peer pressure off for some time. One reason was just that I
was naturally so low profile kind of person that in a new environment
it took a lot of time for people to take that much note of what I was
or wasn't doing. Another reason was that most people had sort of
calmed down in the sense that they didn't have a need to talk about
sex to as great extend as before. And one more reason was that even
after new friends start asking about your love life ”I don't have
anyone right now” often works for some time before it inspires more
the peace didn't last long anyway, because I was finally past the age
my family considered too young for dating. They
started to become worried about me, because I never "spoke about guys".
Somehow, I suddenly seemed to be too old
not having had a boyfriend yet. I understand they were worried that I
was socially insecure and that was why I didn't show interest in
guys. Toward the end of high school my mother began to ask me constantly if
there was anyone I liked, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. She
wished she could have paired me up with some guys and even suggested she
would find me a date online. At one point, my whole family seemed to
think me and a friend of mine were gay. For other one of my
siblings it took a long time to accept I wasn't lying when I said
that it wasn't the case.
tolerated the worry and suspicion for a long time, because I didn't
have anything to back up my feelings other than my own word. I didn't have a clear concept
to explain. I just figured I was in a state of not liking anyone and
that I must be straight by default anyway. I was actually lucky
enough to know another asexual through high school but at the time
neither of us knew there was a term that fit us. We just
sometimes bonded with statements like ”Not everyone needs to date”
or ”You know what's great in bed? Books!”
at some point I got tired of hearing how abnormal it was I hadn't
dated anyone and how worried my mother was about my self-esteem. ”But
you are beautiful and intelligent, so why would you not date?” I
know that can be seen as an ignorant argument in itself but in my
mother's case, she just honestly thought I didn't think enough of
myself to approach a guy. All of that worry eventually made me want
to explain myself better, so I suggested that there was a
possibility that I would never want that kind of relationship. Of
course I knew that it wasn't generally an accepted statement, that's
why I hadn't been able to say it before. But it still hit me hard
when I got just laughter. I was told I wasn't old enough to even
speak about ”relationships” and that I couldn't possibly know
because I had never even dated anyone.
I knew the only place these words were coming from was worry. My parents just wanted me to be happy and healthy, and those concepts just included having a partner, for them. It still hit me hard for a moment because I trusted my parents so much. I still do, I just mean that at the time their reaction made me feel powerless. If I couldn't explain it to even them, how could I explain myself to someone else? That thought started to haunt me, but
luckily it was only a few months later when I finally came accross
the word asexual.
was suffering from a big bad case of writer's block. I hadn't been
able to write anything worth much the whole summer, so I started
doing something I almost never do: filling character questionnaires.
One of them asked the character's number on Kinsey Scale (basically
it has numbers from 0 to 6 to determine how gay, straight or bi you
are.). I had no idea what it was so I looked it up and found a test.
I didn't have anyone asexual among the characters I was writing about
but I couldn't help but see if the test would be able to sort me. I
was really surprised to find out the questions were actually
applicable to me. So, instead of 0-6, I was sorted into category X:
”Non-sexual”. And somewhere beneath the test results was a link
to an article about asexuality.
seeing the word for the first time I instantly thought: ”That's
me!! There is
a word for me!”. And suddenly there was a whole community that had
stayed hidden from me my whole life, even though it was founded when
I was two years old.
how did my life change after discovering there was a sexual
orientation where I could fit? On the surface, probably not much
except that I started wearing a black ace ring in the hopes of
accidentally running into another ace who might recognize it. And
that when someone asked if I was dating, why I wasn't, had I ever
dated, and why not, I didn't have to shrug my shoulders anymore. It
wasn't really terrifying or anything for me to come out as asexual,
because I hadn't really lived in the closet for a long time; I had
tried to explain my feelings before. You get very similar crap when
you say ”I'm not interested in dating” and when you say ”I'm
aromantic asexual”.
the asexual community still changed everything for me. I finally got
confirmation that it was okay to feel the way I did. I could finally
really feel without a doubt that I was ”normal”. I didn't feel
scared of talking about my feelings to people anymore, because I had
sources for educating them. I no longer fell into silence when
someone questioned my experience because I could point to a whole
community of people who had similar ones. I no longer felt alienated.
I no longer had to fear I would be forced into therapy, because I
didn't have any doubts about my own judgement anymore. I stopped
feeling any obligation to form relationships in the way most people
did, just so I could belong. For the first time, I truly felt free to
live my life the way I
wanted to live it.
course, this realization also made me understand that it wasn't
foolish to think relationships didn't have to be so strictly defined.
That there was an infinite gray area between the usual concepts of
”friends” and ”lovers”. That I could
open to any kind of relationship, because I was able to internalize
that my feelings mattered as much as anyone elses. That I would never
be obligated to do anything just because I was the one ”lacking”
some feelings, or to ”prove” that I loved someone. That my ways
of showing love were just as valid as anyone elses. And if someone
didn't feel that way, then it would only mean that we were not
compatible, it would never mean that I had to change or compromise by
default. If I wanted to, cool. If I didn't, also cool.
feel that I've developed a huge amount of strenght because of these
a part of a minority is, of course, still not always easy. The
suspicion and exclusion are there everyday. People's reactions
haven't changed, just my own viewpoint, because I don't have to feel
alone anymore. That being said, I do consider myself priviledged.
I've never come even close to being a victim of extreme cases of
acephobia, like ”corrective rape”.
still get treated as a ”stubborn, naive child”. Most people
apparently still think I will wake up someday with an overwhelming desire to
bang. I get all the same bingo card crap other aces get: ”You just
haven't found the right person.” ”Once you fall in love, you'll fall hard.”
”You only feel that way, because you didn't have ME in your bed.”
”Should you get your hormones checked?” ”Why are you so scared
of love?” ”But procreation is the meaning of life!”
friends still often think I should be flattered when someone wants to
date me, even when it's hardly for more than my looks, or they say I
should try it anyway, because you never know. What they usually fail
to understand is that I haven't canceled out the possibility of
dating someone or having some kind of primary relationship. It just
doesn't make any sense for me to date someone who wants to date me,
period. I have to know they want to be my friend first. That's
because I have no idea how much I could actually compromise when it
comes to romance and sex if the other person wanted those. I am not
indifferent to those things, they would mean a huge sacrifice from my
part. So I really don't think I could do any of that unless the
person was already inside my closest circle of friends. This
shouldn't be so hard to understand. If you loved horror movies, you'd
probably enjoy watching them with a fellow enthusiast, even if you
hardly knew them. But if horror movies were a pain for you, if they
made you throw up, or have nightmares about them for months, it would
probably be only for the sake of your closest friends that you'd
decide to endure one. It's really nothing more mystical than that.
been lucky to have pleasant experiences too; ones that have made me
want to throw an ally-badge right in the hands of some people. Like
when I told my dad that asexuality was a thing, and he accepted it
right away. He actually sounded proud when he said: ”Well, I've got
a pretty good scale! You're an asexual, your siblings are a bisexual,
and um... a readneck”. Or when I run into someone online who wanted
to have cyber sex with me but after I told him I was asexual, he got
so interested in the concept that he stayed and actually asked me
respectful questions for almost two hours instead of going to look
for that cyber sex. Or when a friend of mine explained to her friend,
who was hitting on me and not taking me very seriously, that I wasn't
into dating. I had not asked her to do that, and she had only heard
of asexuality a while ago when I explained it, so it was touching
that she took it seriously so fast and was able to explain me to
someone else, like it was the most normal thing. Or when my awesome
roommate was inspired to make a presentation at school about how
romantic and sexual orientations are distinct and don't go hand in
hand for everyone.
am also lucky to have a close friend who is asexual. It's not
statistically very likely to know other aces in your immediate
circles. It is very comforting to have someone you can always talk
to, someone you know will always understand, someone who you can rant
with as much as you feel like. And sometimes just being able to make
an inside joke about cake or amoebas can save a crappy day.
I would like to note that I consider my experience of growing up as asexual without knowing that it was an option, to be a relatively smooth one. I think it is largely because of my personality: I'm usually so attuned into other people's feelings I don't spend a lot of time thinking of my own, and I may not be super aware of them on the spot, and that's why I never had a serious "identity crisis". Even though I felt the pressure around me, I was not usually so aware of my own identity that I would've really felt I was different from others.
Although I was not dense enough to not notice at some point that I didn't experience all the same feelings others did, I also didn't trust my own perception of my feelings enough to always believe that I wasn't. Sometimes even I took the fact that I could tune into other people's feelings so instinctively, as a sure sign that I must be experiencing these feelings for myself too; I was just not self-aware enough to notice. But evetually it no longer makes sense to claim this when your other feelings are something you always become aware of at some point. It had always taken me some time to separate my own being from others, so after I had a hunch that I was missing something they had, it still took me a long time to see that it truly wasn't there, I was just always picking it up around me. After I deliberately payed more attention to my feelings and focused on finding the romantic/sexual ones in different situations, I had to admit they just weren't in me, not for anyone, not ever.
So, the fact that I was generally more perceptive of others than myself probably did both: slowed down the understanding of my own orientation and saved me from possible depression. It was only right before I found out about asexuality that I had started to feel the impact of being different truly separated me from others. So I had real luck with the timing too.
Most asexuals don't seem to be as fortunate as me in this respect. If asexuality was more well known, it would probably save a lot of people from being pressured into a lot of things they only do because they think it's their responsibility, because otherwise they don't think they can belong, because admiting that you're different causes so much self-hatered, because they fear that there's something fundamentally wrong with them. Awereness can save people's relationships, it can save their self-esteem, it can literally save their lives.
If you've read this far, I thank you. I wish we can spread awareness, share our feelings with people who are similar and people who are different, accept the diversity of identities and life styles, understand people from their own perspectives and welcome people we don't understand as an opportunity to learn. Even the smallest effort can mean the world to someone.
Thank you. |
Thursday, 15 October 2015
More Stages of Faith
My first year of
studying theology, I came across James Fowler's Stages of faith
-model in pedagogy class. My
initial reaction was ”Wow, this really fits into what I've been
thinking too” but that was it back then. I had just started writing
a story about two characters whose faith and communication problems
could be described very well with Fowler's model but I guess at the
time I felt there wasn't really anything new to learn from it, the
model just helped me organize my own thoughts better and I was
satisfied with that. So I forgot about Fowler for about two years.
you can probably guess, I found the theory again recently. It's even
a bit ironic because apparently I had been using the note sheet about
it as a book mark in my Greek grammar book. I hate Greek, but it was
a pleasant surprise to re-encounter Fowler when I had to start
studying for another Greek exam.
identified 6 stages that describe the developement of faith in
humans. What one believes exactly is irrelevant, the focus is on how.
Also, it's not supposed to only apply to ”religious faith” but
also to more ”down to earth” kind, any kind, the experience of
faith in general. Certain characteristics and crises are associated
with each stage and seem to be somewhat supported by other theories
about psychological developement. I haven't actually done that much
research on this topic yet, but I feel like writing about my
understanding of it now because I'm inspired. Heh.
is possible that I left the theory alone because while I agree that
it describes people's developemental processes well, I prefer to use
communicational tools that don't so clearly define people by how
mature they are or aren't. And since I think (and it seems to be
commonly understood) that people don't always go through Fowler's
stages the way he has described as common, and people often express
characteristics from more than one stage, it is better to treat it as
somewhat rough framework. Some people can be analyzed with it better than others. While I can think of people who seem to fit very well into one stage, there are also people who seem like they've skipped some stages altogether or partially fit into all of them. However, I'm not going to evaluate the whole theory based on that right now, I'm mainly interested to use it as a tool to reflect on my fiction. So I will just shamelessly use it where it works. :D
1: Intuitive-Projective Faith
describes this mainly as the stage of pre-school children. I
understand this to be the stage where all ”faith stories” you
hear don't really have a differentiated meaning. It doesn't matter
whether parents are telling their children stories from the Bible,
from a picture book, or about Santa Claus, they're all taken as more or
less ”the same stuff” and fantasy often mixes with reality.
Around this age most children also have imaginary friends and can't
sometimes remember whether something really happened or if it was a
dream, so I think the theory fits well.
also says that this is the stage where the most basic ideas about possible
God, or some other kind of center of faith are usually formed from
what the closest adults represent to the child. I think it has very
little to do with what they might explicitly teach about their own
faith and a lot to do with how their relationship is with the child,
how love and trust are present.
Religion is rarely the focus of my fiction but these
elements of faith are certainly found in family relationships I
write. For example, in my current project there's a character who
took an exeedingly long time to realize her parents are not the
representatives of ”the absolute truth”. Even though she doesn't
believe in any consciously defined form of a deity, her parents
definitely were exactly that to her untill she realized there was
something she knew was true for her, and nothing her parents said
could make it untrue.
Mythic-Literal Faith
would be the stage most children move into around school-age, because
they start thinking in a more logical manner; separate fantasy and reality. Fowler also notes that
some people remain in this stage through their life. Stage 2 is
characterized by focus on the stories that represent faith and those are usually
accepted from one's faith community. The stories are understood
literally, what matters is what happens in the story, and when some
lesson is internalized from it, it comes from what the story
explicitly teaches. There isn't much collective understanding of the
meaning of those stories. Their importance or truth is not questioned
because everyone acknowledges their importance and that gives the
person a sense of belonging but it also separates them from people of
different faith communities, different customs and traditions. A
person in this stage tends to view those people as ”strangers”,
somehow fundamentally different from them and their community.
these are the people who are the most strict about the details of
their faith and they often experience the later stages of faith
in others as lack of faith. This is probably the most mundane example
but it comes across well in the discussion of the interpretation of
scriptures: The people in stage 2 don't see the literal
interpretation as an interpretation at all. They think it is
objective and that's why they're often unwilling to give room for any
discussion about other interpretations. These people are also
possibly the most devoted to the customs of their faith community and
they practise their faith in the most concrete manner. The ”practise
of faith” often more or less seems to equal faith for them, or at
least has a significantly bigger part than it does in other stages.
This doesn't seem to be an uncommon stage to encounter in everyday
life, so I obviously have a ton of characters who represent it too,
but there's one whose story is particularly characterized by the
crisis that will eventually enable her to reach stage 3. In the
beginning of the story, her aversion to any expression of ”wrong
faith” and the repression of her own ”impure” feelings is so
strong she feels nauseated and dizzy whenever she comes into contact with
something that would require critical thinking to face. However,
coming into close contact with people she first views as strictly
”faithless”, eventually makes her stop covering her ears from
other people's experiences bit by bit, because she starts to view
these people as important to her. As she matures, she starts to
accept that her faith is not something that should alienate her from
people she's began to love.
3: Synthetic-Conventional Faith
stage is characterized by
the need to find some kind of balance between different ”faith
groups” that one associates with. It often comes along in adolescence, because the person has become a part of a bigger social cirlce than just their own faith community. The teachings of that
community are still more or less taken for granted and not something
the people in this stage would examine critically or reflect on
deeply, and anything that suggests contradiction in their beliefs is still often seen as a threat, something they should not even look at. However, they become more willing to see what they have in
common with others and don't focus on what separates them as much as
they used to. To relate to other people's experience better, they may
also become inclined to give room to some ”loopholes” in their community's
teachings which they previously saw as absolute. This may also be the
first time they realize that not everyone inside their
community has exactly the same understanding of every belief.
stage 3 people also need their social circles to be genarally
supportive of their faith community, and if this isn't achived,
they're likely to encounter a crisis which makes them completely
reject the people who reject their faith. If, however, the teachings
of their own faith community are seen as ”cruel” towards the
people in one's circles outside their own faith community, the stage
3 people may reject their faith community instead. This kind of
crisis may lead to developing to stage 4 but supportive social circles
will probably make that growth less extreme and the people in stage 4
probably won't seem as radically opposite to what they were in stage
Fowler's theory, stage 3 is where most people remain. I suppose I
agree, since it's evident that most of my fictional characters are in
this stage, at least for the biggest part of their stories. My main
characters often grow further though, because I'm a huge fan of
growth. One character in my current project seems to illustrate some
of the stage 3 behaviour particularly well. He's generally a friend
to everyone and will even accept anyone intimately close but he
becomes up-tight and passive-aggressive in front of anyone who he
feels offends his sense of right and wrong. Sometimes he even expresses noticeable "holier than thou" attitude towards people who behave against his beliefs. He also acknowledges that
he has feelings that are considered improper in his faith community
and that he sometimes fails and does things that aren't accepted.
He's probably uncommonly hard on himself though, when he does
something wrong, and keeps very strict rules for his own behaviour,
to the point of punishing himself. However, he doesn't feel the need
to deny those things and he usually feels no conflict between him and people
who do things differently. He doesn't feel the need to push
his way on others even though he still thinks he's right and the
others are wrong. He's willing to ”let people make their own
mistakes” as long as they don't do wrong against him, and as long as he has the freedom to cover his eyes from things he deems "unholy".
4: Individuative-Reflective Faith
I read somewhere that people in stage 4 are typically considered less
mature in faith by the people in stage 3, a metaphor I wrote in high
school in creative writing class came to my mind. It was something
along the lines: ”When you're a raw apple in a tree you look down
on the ripe apples on the ground but when you fall down yourself, you
realize you didn't rise from there”. It seems to apply to these
circumstances pretty well. I think it might be the most apparent
between these two stages because it's the leap from 3 to 4 where what
one beliefs might change the most dramatically. It's no wonder if
someone in stage 3 tends to see a stage 4 person as someone who has
”abandoned” their faith, since stage 4 is pretty much
characterized by critical thinking and a tendency to look down on the
beliefs one used to accept without question. Stage 4 is mostly the
faith of adulthood, though it is noted that some people might enter
it significantly earlier and some very late in their life.
this stage people begin to approach the hard questions they have
avoided in the previous stages. They reflect critically on beliefs
they've taken for granted and "demythologize" them. They often express impatience towards
people of earlier stages, who don't have the same standards for
examining their beliefs or don't really examine them much at all. I
understand this to be the point where people become less stubborn
about their beliefs being the right ones, but rather their method to
be the right one to determine the beliefs. They can be accepting toward other people's faith and may even start viewing any kind of
belief system as right as long as it brings meaning to the believer's
life but they're unlikely to support beliefs that aren't critically
examined because they see no ”sense” in doing something that
isn't deeply understood, or somehow ”consistent” with some principles, like the
person's other beliefs.
have a character who is pretty much an exemplar of this ”stage 4
pride”. His need to grow to stage 5 becomes so great exactly
because he becomes too sure of his own judgement over everyone else's
and can't understand other people truly from their own viewpoints.
It's true most people around him are at ”less mature” stages of
faith, there's quite a bunch of 2's and 3's to make him go crazy but
as he views his judgement to be superior to some of his closest
people who are already at stage 5, he begins to feel completely alone
in the world. He is, however, able to contribute a great deal to the
self-criticism of people who like to deny their unpleasant feelings
and not reflect upon their flaws. He's able to solve many problems
because he's such an independend thinker, but once it goes too far he
begins to create more problems by solving them and he becomes unable
to be critical of himself.
5: Conjunctive Faith
is sometimes the last stage included in critical examinations of
Fowler's theory, because the 6th
stage is viewed as too ambiguos. It is mostly the
stage of middle to late adulthood, though most people never reach it
and some may reach it much earlier. In this stage the elements from
all the previous stages seem to come together, and the earlier stages
are not seen as opposing anymore. It could be said that the stage 4
skeptic sort of calms down and accepts that they will never have the
answer to every question, and that the things people in stage 3 and 2 take for granted are not neccessarily meaningless. They may find new, more abstract and multidimensional meaning in symbolism, religious practice or other things that seemed to lose their value at stage 4. Stage 5 people have also become
more certain of their own beliefs. Because they no longer feel the
need to question everything, but are not stuck in a box either, they
don't feel threatened by truly exploring other belief systems.
my understanding, this is the stage where ”real” dialogy between
people who believe differently first becomes possible. In the earlier
stages people are still pretty much stuck in their own viewpoint (they don't realize they think in a box), so
discussion is often seen as undesireable in the first place. (They
may think they want to discuss but actually they only ”discuss”
as long as they agree with the person and when they don't they either
cover their ears/refuse to fully try to understand or push their own
agenda.) What people in earlier stages lack, is basically the
willingness to be uncertain or truly open their mind to ”what
if's”: the feeling that understanding other viewpoints doesn't make
theirs less valid but enriches it instead. While stage 5 people are actually more grounded in
their beliefs than people in earlier stages, they also seem like they
are less. That's because they have a more holistic understanding of
beliefs and have internalized the ”basics” of them. They see what
connects seemingly separate views and they're not blind to their own unconscious processes either. Because of this, people in earlier
stages often see stage 5 people's attitude as ”sloppy” and the
willingness to give space to alternatives and other people is seen as
lack of dicipline or critique.
5 people may also start feeling ”smaller” than before because
they realize the limits of human judgement. Basically, stage 5 people
can embrace their inner child again: they're no longer fearful of
including unexplained things in their life, and even being wrong/
clouded in one's judgements is not always seen as bad, but an
opportunity to grow.
suppose most of my main characters reach stage 5 at some point in
their story and it's usually where I leave them be too, because
they're no longer in the midst of those ”us vs. them” and ”me
against the world” battles. (I guess stage 3 is the other stage
where a person is most likely the feel a similar kind of peace, even
though it may be more superficial in some sense, so it's probably the
second most common place for me to leave characters.) Sometimes my
characters move to stage 5 because they meet someone who they have to
admit has more wisdom than them, which makes the stage 4 person
”admit defeat” and start feeling wonder, rather than suspicion
about the world again. Some other characters move forward because
they end up witnessing the life of 3's and 2's so closely that at
some point they start forgetting to question everything and start
relating to their experience instead.
main character in my current project is mostly at stage 5. Because of
this she has more patience towards other people's short comings than
most, and she cares virtually nothing about who is ”right”. She's
basically an embodiment of the ”Live and let live” attitude but
her problem is that she begins to like things too simple, and reaches
the point where she's trying to become too impartial and tries to
hold on to that freedom by never choosing any answer: just
experiencing and wondering about things. She reaches the crisis that
will ultimately make her develop to stage 6, when she realizes that
instead of all the difficult ”right answers” she could choose,
there is only one thing that is absolutely wrong
to her, one that will both cancel out all other possibilities and
embrace them at the same time. When she realizes that, her faith and
course of action become unshaken.
6: Universalizing Faith
to Fowler, it is very rare to reach this stage of faith: it's
basically where doubt dissapears and the person becomes an embodiment
of their faith. Everything they have learned from the previous stages
no longer demands constant attention or conscious work, they
instinctively live their faith true. Their relationship to the
”supreme” or their ”center of faith” is no longer related to
any particular circumstances. Instead, they feel one with it, it's
always present to them in everything, and they don't have to look for
means to connect with it: it simply is. Their experience of faith is
no longer self-centered and they live their faith for the service of
others in the best way they know.
demeanor of people in this stage is described as noticeably loving
and welcoming of others. They make people in their presence feel
important and worthy, because their love and acceptance are
unconditional: nothing anyone could say can shaken that acceptance.
They basically take anyone's ”sacredness” for granted. There's no
”tabu” to them and there's no matter that is too small or too big
for them to discuss and be willing to understand. In their community,
they're probably known for their empathy and wisdom.
have some characters who reach this stage through similar crisis as
the character I described earlier and (oddly enough?) some who seem
like they where born with this kind of faith. Pretty much all of the
examples Fowler gives as representative of stage 6 are famous
religious leaders he apparently had never met (because he couldn't
find any representatives among people he interviewed) which may be the reason
why some people are so skeptical about stage 6 altogether. I think
the idea of all the stage 6 people being like Mother Theresa or Jesus
himself is misleading, so I'll describe a character of mine who's
very low-exposure and unambitious instead: definitely not destined to
save her country or fight poverty or go around the world teaching her
wisdom to people. (I also don't think that such acts require the
person to be at stage 6.) This stage 6 character is a servant girl
who lives very quiet and peaceful life, indeed in the service of
others. She doesn't seem to have abilities to do much else, one can
hardly praise her intellect, physique or even memory. Instead, her
power is to inspire trust, love, hope, faith and the like in others
by simply being with them. She seems incapable of experiencing
desperation or depression, she's unconditionally trustful that life
is meaningful and everything will always prove to be in their right place again.
She seems endlessly patient and loving because whoever she's talking
to, really is the most important person in the universe to her, and
so is the next person: anyone's value is simply intrinsic.
is actually where the reason I got interested in Fowler's theory
again becomes relevant: I don't think that stage 6 is the ”pinnacle”
of human faith. You might have noticed that the stages seem to move
in cycles where ”absolute” and ”relative” approach to faith
take turns at being more prominent. 2 is more absolute, 3 more
relative, 4 absolute and 5 relative again. Stage 6 is merely the next
form of more absolute approach and the people in stage 6 are not free
from problems, or incapable of growing further. I think labeling stage 6 faith as "saintly" or the people as "holy" (which I've seen around the internet) is a problem because one should never forget that stage 6 people are every bit as much human beings as the rest.
next crisis is when the stage 6 faith becomes depersonalizing. It
happens when the person takes their willingness to live for others to
a too great extend. What they need to realize is that they are not
their faith themselves. They need to grow to feel the need to find
balance between their connection to the ”supreme” and
being a separate individual. Basically, they need to extend the love
they give for others, to themselves.
I'm sorry if this seems exclusive, but I'm going to use some very christian language to illustrate my point better. This is just an example and it should be understood analogically. So a person at stage 6 is basically someone who lives for what they believe is the actualization of "the Kingdom of God": they bring it to reality. But the crisis happens when they realize that the only person they have excluded from that "Kingdom of God" is them. When they realize that they are an outsider, that they're someone who brings faith to others but in the end has no part inside it's actualization.
I'm sorry if this seems exclusive, but I'm going to use some very christian language to illustrate my point better. This is just an example and it should be understood analogically. So a person at stage 6 is basically someone who lives for what they believe is the actualization of "the Kingdom of God": they bring it to reality. But the crisis happens when they realize that the only person they have excluded from that "Kingdom of God" is them. When they realize that they are an outsider, that they're someone who brings faith to others but in the end has no part inside it's actualization.
found that most sources don't mention any possibility of a crisis
that would make people at stage 6 move forward, and that's basically
why I propose:
7: Whatever-you-want-to-call-it Faith
not even trying to claim that this is where the developement of faith
would end. I'm simply trying to identify what I think is the next
significant change in worldview that is caused by the negative
aspects of the previous stage taking over. There could be an
infinite number of stages and the ones that Fowler identified could of course be divided into more specific ones, or ”substages” and
the like. For now, I will not attempt to take this theory further
because I don't think my analysis can extend this ”seventh step” in a meaningful way,
at least for now.
course, the person in stage 7 would not lose the intrinsic ”oneness”
with their faith, or the unconditional love and openness to other
people. At this stage the person becomes ”more than their faith”.
At stage 6 they might have been the embodiment of their faith for
other people but in this stage they are so for themselves as well.
Their faith will include more personal approach without losing the
universal qualities: they are as much in service of themselves as
they are of their faith, and others. They no longer forget that they
have the same intrinsic value as everyone else does. They don't
experience their own individuality as something implicit anymore, but
fully embrace it. Their faith now manifests as an unconditional love
for oneself the same way it manifests for others. They are no longer
detached from themselves for the sake of their faith, which makes
them not only a ”tool” which actualizes the faith, but also one
of those who benefit from it.
is where the stage 6 servant girl is heading in her story. She
encounters the crisis when she realizes she's only able to express
detached and depersonalized love for other people: She loves everyone
the same way. Even if she's able to embrace everyone else's
individual qualities and love them for those, her love is never
characterized by her own desire to be close to anyone. Eventually she
has to admit the hard fact that she has been neglecting herself without having any idea about it. She has to recognize she has feelings that can't be fulfilled by simply
living for other people, that she can't neglect herself forever, or
she'll become hollow and lose the ability to bring meaning to other
people's lives too. Eventually she internalizes an unshaken faith in
her personal significance as well as others' and only after that
she's able to form truly personal relationships.
is as far as I can clearly see right now, but that doesn't
necessarily mean I don't know any people or have any characters who
might have developed further. After all, we do a lot of things intuitively
without understanding exactly how, and I don't think it's possible to ever
stop finding new viewpoints to my characters, or other people's, or
real people for that matter.
To wrap this up, I'd like to say that I think any stage is a good stage to be in. The crisis that will make one develop further, only occurs when the negative aspects of the stage overpower the good ones. So, whether your stage is 2 or 6, or feels more like a blend of many, if you ”own” it, it's all good. You can't develop unless you feel the inner need to, and once you do, it can't be stopped. Nobody ever stops growing completely, and no one is ever ”ready”, so I think it's meaningless to pursue the idea that any stage is truly above another. After all, one wouldn't necessarily think that being a hundred-year-old is ultimately better than being a three-year-old.
wrote this mostly for my own reflection, but who knows, maybe someone
else will find something useful from it too. I might come back to
this topic to correct myself once I've read more about it or found a
new interesting angle but I guess I've rambled enough for now. :D
Just for feels, you can take a look at how happy these stage 3 and stage 5 persons are together:
Yes, the other one's an owl. Yes he can talk. Yes that's not very original. Don't worry, it's not meant to be.
Have a nice day! :)
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
MBTI Stereotypes
Because they deserve every face-palm they get.
I haven't yet made a post about the MBTI personality theory which I'm obsessed with. I figured I'd start with putting the general stereotypes in a nutshell because they're still out there and no good. Other people have probably done it better before and I'm still no typology expert, just your common enthusiast, but I feel like putting down the images people seem to have going around, and which I find ridiculous, unfair, harmful and totally biased. Not helpful to anyone who is really trying to understand the system and use it to understand other people better, not bash them.
you're unfamiliar with MBTI, and interested, go visit Personality Café or something:
doesn't really make sense for me to try to explain the basics in this
Sometimes the stereotypes seem to have a seed of truth in them, by which I mean they are overly simplified and exaggerated descriptions based on general tendencies associated with certain cognitive functions and combinations. Others, however, don't even seem to be based on reality but misunderstanding the functions and dichotomies entirely.
It seems these stereotypes often come to life because some people internalize one-dimensional type descriptions/dichotomies, look for people who resemble that description, form some kind of an archetype about them and settle with typing people according to superficial understanding of their external behaviour, not taking underlying processes into account.
In the most unfortunate cases, people already have a bias against certain kind of people and because of it, start matching all of them with one/few personality types and then begin to see the whole type in a negative light. And of course, some people only seem able to type people with no views or traits opposing to their own to the same personality type with them.
In typology forums this shows in threads with a (sometimes direct, sometimes indirect) message like: ”Why are all ISFPs emotionally biased about everything?” or ”Don't trust an ESFJ” or ”ENTPs are useless trolls” and crap like that.
It's like some people really consider stuff like this relevant:
Feelers are emotionally biased crybabies and incapable of coherent thought.
Thinkers are cold sosiopaths and incapable of love and empathy.
Sensors are dumb and incapable of independent thought.
Intuitives are clumsy and incapable of doing physical tasks well.
Rather than rambling more about how untrue those stereotypes are, I'll get to the type-specific ones. If you're purposely creating one-dimensional comedy characters or something, then you might have some actual use for these but in typing real people they are seriously useless. But the more people are aware of them, the better. If you don't personally need to be reminded of this, maybe you can still find what I've gathered kind of hilarious. :D Or enraging...
I'll have my fictional characters starring as their types. Because fun.
ENFJs are manipulative, backstabing goody-two-shoes who wrap everyone
around their little finger, never say what they mean or act authentically. In conflict
situations they always side with the majority. They want power but
not the responsibility.
INFJs are crazy conspiracy theorists and prone to mental illnesses.
They're detached from reality and live in a dark world inside their
heads. They're ineffective in any sensory environment and mess up
everything they touch.
ESTPs are reckless thrill-seekers who never think about the
consequenses of their actions. Their life is all about dumb stunts,
sex and motorcycles. Anything abstract or ethical receives no
response from their brain.
ISTPs are like ESTPs but antisocial, so they prefer
playing video games, building useless objects and breaking things apart just to be able to put
them back together. They never use whatever abilities they may have
for any useful purpose.
ESFJs are dumb blond barbies who blindly follow whatever rules and
morals they have grown up with. They want to please people only so
that everyone would love them, and the moment you turn your back on
them they're already bad-mouthing you.
ISFJs are spineless door-mats whose life revolves around one person
(their lover, usually). They have no morals, personality, or passions
of their own, they need someone else to complete them. If their love
isn't reciprocated 24/7, they become obsessive stalkers.
ENTPs do nothing but troll all over the internet 24/7. They talk
inexplicable amounts of nonsense, and get nothing done. They're
opportunistic freeloaders who can go to ridiculous lengths to escape
all and any kind of responsibility.
INTPs do nothing but sit alone in their room coming up with useless theories, wondering about trivial
things, fancying themselves as the most intelligent personality
type and comparing themselves to Einstein, while never coming up with
anything anyone could really use. Have troubles remembering to take their
weekly shower.
ESFPs are foolish party animals who live only for having fun. They
have no abilities, no sense of responsibility and no direction in
life. They are entirely useless, except maybe as a clown if they get
ISFPs are either hippies who smoke weed with ENFPs, or artists
suffering from frequent emotional breakdowns, which they actually
enjoy. Incapable of surviving among ”normal” people.
ENTJs are narcissistic, abusive chiefs of some sort who wouldn't know
what to do with themselves if they couldn't order people around as
they please and take their anger out on their subordinates.
INTJs are sosiopaths or narsissists who care about nothing expect
themselves and their One True field of science. They think they're
perfect, and that every brain fart they let out is an objective fact.
They think everyone wants to be them.
ENFPs use drugs, prefer one-night-stands to relationships and wish to
live their life running around naked on a field while chewing
flowers. They're incapable of keeping a job. Sometimes they might get
serious but OH HEY A BUTTERFLY.
INFPs want to be INFJs and a half of them pretend to be. They're the
weakest and most emotionally biased personality type, they're all
emos who do nothing but watch gore anime.
They never leave their room but manage to fancy themselves as world
saviors/figthers of justice.
ESTJs are meatheads who gain a sense of power by ordering people
around according to someone else's (ENTJ's) orders. They fancy
themselves as the alpha male (all ESTJs are male of course) and their
self worth competely shatters and they turn berserk, if this fact is
ISTJs are complete robots. They're the people ESTJs order around.
They're blind to everything except following the majority. If someone
else didn't give them instructions and orders they would just rot and
I wonder why some people think MBTI is about as useful as horoscopes?
Imagine if your average people where really like this. What a world it would be.
personality typing,
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