Hmm, last month I said I'd focus on
reading fun books in June! But obviously my reading moods aren't that
predictable. And even if I have a silly plan like that I don't
hesitate to change it and read whatever I feel like reading, so... :D
Let's see how fun June was anyway.
Maresi: The Red Abbey Chronicles
Maria Turtschaninoff
Maresi is the Finlandia Junior winner
of 2014. So, no, I wasn't even expecting this to be what you'd call a
”fun” book, because let's face it, the biggest award winners
never are. However, it was definitely not as dark or angsty as I
expected. The general tone of the book is actually pretty positive,
it's hopeful, even empowering and never actually fully reaches the
horror the beginning seems to promise. I'm having a hard time
deciding whether this is actually a good or a bad thing for the book.
I mean, I'm forever for happy endings, so the less the dark promises
are kept the happier I'll be, but it's obviously not like that with
everyone. I can imagine many people feeling betrayed by the
beginning. (Although, critics don't seem to have much complaints
either, so how about I just rest my case and be happy with
Other than that, I wasn't really as
impressed with this book as I'd hoped. It wasn't bad but it never stood out to me
in any particularly good way either. Sure, it explored a wide variety
of themes teenagers face in their life in this day and age and the
historical-esque, fantasy-esque setting of the book but... that's
pretty much it. And basically the reason I'm skeptical about many
award winners. It's just so often that critics favour books with
controversal themes (through safely conservative lenses) even if
that's all the book is, when the themes are just that; a convient
collection of topics and don't grow organically from the characters.
Sadly, this seemed to be exactly the
case with Maresi. The characters, their relationships, their personal
histories... all felt plotted to tell a story that illustrates the
themes of matriarchy/patriarchy, religion/faith/practise,
violence/abuse/trauma, education/poverty etc. All of these were
raised as almost annoyingly discreed questions in the book and since
it was combined with a plot copied and pasted straight from The
Coming-Of-Age Story or
something, it kind of left me feeling pretty much nothing. It just
feels too calculated and crafted to evoke strong emotions.
the characters are like that. Like the author completely internalized
the theory of creating characters and then followed that knowledge
flawlessly with every one of them but forgot that the characters are
supposed to come from the author's intuition and not from the page of a
writer's manual. The Girl Who Loves To Read And Study
and The Scared Abused Girl both
fill their archetypal roles completely and have
just the right amount of detailed, individual characteristics to also
make them believable human beings in theory. The
point is, you're not supposed to feel
like that's the case when you're reading about the characters. The
creation process shouldn't be left on the page like a math equation
for the reader to see and go like ”Oh, these are the building
blocks of this character because they make the most convenient stage
for the themes the writer wanted to include.”
book has been written like the perfect school essey, the A+ in mind.
Everything has been written ”Just The Right Way”. I don't know
how else to put it.
I quite liked reading the book anyway. On the surface, it's written
very beautifully. The choice of words, how the scenes are carried to
another and how the characters are described is what ultimately saves
this book for me. There are moments in the narration when I was able
to forget how crafted everyone seemed and just listen to the voice of
the narrator.
setting and many details about the society the characters lived in
were interesting too. At times, they seemed to promise that the plot
would go much further too, and it's a shame it just fell short in the
end. There was definitely a good basis for the world building and I
would like to spend more time in the book's world. Apparently there's going to be two more, so I'll be interested to see if the story improves.
This was an easy and quick read, and even entertaining at times, it
just seems like the author was trying too hard to balance
imagination, creativity and some external standard.
Rebel Belle ★★★☆☆
Rachel Hawkins

this was a fun read! Which is a great surprise since it's a bit outside my comfort zone. But I was in exactly the right mood for this one.
It's as funny and silly as I was expecting but in other ways it exceeded
my expectations.
The main character is refreshing, since I'm
kind of sick of seeing her "kind" of girls playing the role
of antagonist in high school comedies, (some shy bookish girl making
everyone see how vain they are in the end). :D No, girls who dress
well, get good grades and care about their place in the society are
not necessarily vain. Harper is a great character, and I'm so happy
the story doesn't downplay the meaning of her accomplishments/what
she finds important.
The cast of supporting characters was
also unexpectedly good, for many reasons not usually seen in a high
school comedy:
1. They all had a very distinct personality
(way too often all the supporting girls and guys sound exactly the
same but that was not the case here!)
2. The best friend was an
actual person who's relationship with the heroine was important on
its own! (way too often the best friend is just a fairy god mother
who helps the heroine get the guy)
3. The way the heroine and the
love interested flirted through picking on each other was actually
believable (I can't almost believe I'm saying this.)
4. THE
ENDING!!! That was such and awesome turn of events!! How often do you
see that?
...or just in general how nobody stopped to matter to
the heroine after she got the guy! (But there is one specific... group coming together in the end which makes it greater.)
There are some cons too
1. Some not so believable scenes and actions
Some events where sort of downplayed in order to get forward (the
characters didn't seem to care as much as would've been natural)
The middle of the book was a little boring, not much happened
In general I think this book is a bit too nonchalant about all the
dark topics it deals with... I mean, I get that it's supposed to be
lighthearted but at times I still wished it would've been a bit more
serious about some things.
Btw, the cover is just perfect.
Just wow.
If you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Percy
Jackson or that kind of light, low fantasy (this is way lighter than them though) and are looking for
something fun and romantic this is probably the book for you.
Kuroko no Basket ★★★★★
Fujimaki Tadatoshi
finally finished reading this manga. (Well, finally means I think it
took more than a week for me to read it.) I definitely love sports
manga/anime with ridiculous, borderline magical abilities and
exposition so detailed you'd think the readers are blind, but I'm not
sure if I've ever been so immersed in one before (ok, maybe Kaleido
actually started watching the anime first, almost by accident. I had
a friend over and she started to talk about it with my roommate. I
knew she was watching some basketball anime but she hadn't asked me
to watch it with her, even though we usually watch everything
together, because she knew how much I hated basketball. xD (Allthough
I had liked basketball manga before. You know I don't hate
watching/reading about it, I just hate participating. ^^' But I guess
she just didn't think about it and I didn't pay too much attention
because I figured she just wanted to watch something alone. :D) When
they talked about it, it started to sound really interesting and
suddenly they wanted to watch it from the beginning and that was
that. I was totally hooked.
the anime was still on-going when I reached the newest episodes, so
of course I couldn't take it and I just had to start reading the
manga. I don't think there was more than maybe 5 episodes left when I
got to the end of the manga, but I'm the kind who always wants to
finish the original work first anyway.
it appears I still have troubles reviewing this. I'm probably going
to be hang-overing it for the rest of the year. (This is why I tried
to read it slowly.) Argh, I'm still having dreams about it.
I'll just accept it for now that this is the kind of series I rate
five stars and ignore whatever flaws it may have because I'm
completely biased. And happy with it.
The Secret in Belfast ★★★★☆
Charity Bishop

was a very intriguing and enjoyable read. I was really impressed by
the way the real historical figures didn't stand out from the
fictional characters! Sometimes when reading historical fiction, they
are too obviously "crafted" and show that the author just
couldn't make them "original" characters, which I think is
really important. If you're going to write fiction about people
you'll never write exactly like they were anyway, just go all the way
and make them your own characters! With the Secret in Belfast I think
that was done perfectly well.
The story was facinating and
really surprized me quite a few times, which is always welcome and
generally doesn't happen often enough. A couple of times I had this
rare blind feeling I honestly had no idea where to story was going
and that was refreshing! In general I was never expecting "the
next obvious plot point" and that made me able to fully enjoy
the present all the time while reading.
I also love these
subtle crossovers with the author's other books, where you know that the
world is the same where the characters from another book are living
but you can never be sure if the books will cross paths and then it's
just so great when it happens! xD It lifts my spirits every time and
here that was done perfectly too.
Also, if you're reading
about a historical event that you know
won't end well and you're still so immersed in the story that you
find yourself hoping a miracle would happen and the ending would be
different, and then the tragedy hits you like it's the first time
you've heard the story, even when it's one of the most well known in
history... the author has definitely done their job well. I was more
devastated over this book's Titanic than a Hollywood Titanic ever. <:
I don't really have too much critic for this book. There was
a while before half way through the book, I think, where I was
feeling like the plot was missing a bit and the story was about
separate scenes... which of course came together in the end, but
there was this kind of "Wait, what is this story about, again?"
-moment. Not very long, though.
A couple of times Richard gave
off this feeling that you should've read another book about him
before to be fully on track. Maybe, like as if the author was too
aware of every detail in his past and had to squeeze them in a bit?
That's just the feeling I got, but it was definitely nothing major,
over all, Richard was a very genuine and sympathetic protagonist,
definitely one of, if not the most memorable character.
The Watcher in the Shadows ★★★☆☆
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

book was only quite good, which is a dissapointment since it's a
Carlos Ruiz Zafon book. (One of my favourite writers.) I can't point out exactly why but the
characters seemed rather shallow all the way through.
I liked the fact that there was no obvious protagonist, I really like
that kind of books... It's the most natural style of writing for
myself too, and it clearly seem to be the minority.
The story
didn't feel very interesting untill half way through and the impact
of the events didn't really hit me at any point, and it should have.
I mean, a lot of tragic things did happen.
The book seemed to
be a little bit about everything but not enough about anything. Not
enough about the mystery, not enough about the relationships, not
enough about the grand scheme of things, not enough about the
characters' pasts... and so on. Everything had just somewhat
interesting bits, I was never fully immersed into any of
Except one moment! The Angel's Game crossover! When
Andreas Corelli from the author's later work was mentioned, of course
I was totally hooked for a second. But he was never mentioned again.
His mystery really bugs me overall. I hope that some day I'll learn
more about him. Is he really just this character that Zafon throws in
when he needs something to happen that doesn't actually happen
anyway? I just hope there's more to him than that. (Because I read
him so differently in the Angel's Game. ^^')
At the end of the
book I was pretty satisfied though, because I wasn't expecting the
ending to be as happy as it was. (I know there's tragedy too, but
still...) But it didn't feel extremely important since I wasn't as
hooked as I've been with Zafon's other characters... it was just...
nice enough I guess.
Boy Meets Boy ★★★★★
David Levithan

This is the kind of YA contemporary I want to read. It's neither of
the things I have a low tolerance for: Not overly depressingly
hopeless but also doesn't gloss over heavy subjects like they're a
I hear most of the critique for the book saying that
it's not realistic, but I don't see it that way at all. On the
contrary, it is way more realistic than most high school contemporary
novels: the ones where the characters simply don't make internal
sense, the themes don't make internal sense, etc. The setting doesn't
have to be something that exists in our day and age for the story to
be realistic. The story only needs to be realistic in the context of
the book.
I mean, for me the book is realistic if the
characters seem to behave realistically in the given circumstances,
not in relation to our circumstances. It's not the surface that
matters but the foundation.
I'm not going to analyze the heck
out of this book, because the bottom line is that it made me happy.
Really happy. I wish it would happen more often that I run into a
book that is just able to make me so happy that I don't care about
anything else. It probably makes me ignore its flaws (for the second
time this month! Yay!) but I don't even care.
That's the kind
of story that I want to write too. Sure, it's nice to hear that
someone thought my style is beautiful, or that my suspence is
intriguing or my plot original and twists unexpected. But it's still
nothing in comparison if someone were to tell me my story just made
them so happy they forgot everything else.
I guess this book
was just really, really inspirational in so many ways.
As Black as Ebony ★★★☆☆
Salla Simukka

I wish
I would've loved this book, and I wish I could've given it more than
three stars.
I still loved Lumikki, but somehow, the writing
seemed lazy to me this time. The other characters weren't as fully
fleshed out as in the previous books. Most of them seemed nothing
more than distractions to deceive the reader. All of them were given
too obviously suspicious traits and behaviour that in the end, was
indeed only that. Only to hide the real culprit, not something that
really rose from the characters. They didn't feel like anything but
tools. It really bothers me when EVERYONE is acting suspicious solely
for the plot.
I was expecting at least some suprise along the
way but that wasn't there either. All we got was basically a more
thorough explanation of what we already knew about Lumikki and her
past. The book really didn't manage to have that same psychological
depth the others did. The whole thing seemed shallow to me.
plot started off as fast-paced and interesting, at some point I was
hooked, and expected a lot more from the resolution. After half way
through the book it started to get one-dimensional and didn't seem to
go anywhere.
I still managed to enjoy this well enough while
reading. Lumikki is really a great protagonist. But if I didn't know
her from the previous books I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able
to connect to her character through this book.
Yeah, basically
my rating is a compromise, because I was invested in the story, for
more than three star's worth because the rest of the series is so
great, but this book's individual merit isn't really even three stars
in my opinion.
A bit of a letdown. It's probably a good thing
I didn't read it right after the first two books. That way it
would've made me really upset. <: D
The Bad Beginning ★★★★☆
Lemony Snicket
actually haven't read this series before. I saw the movie about a
year ago, I think, and absolutely fell in love with the atmosphere,
so the movie probably worked its way into my reading but I don't
really care, I just really enjoyed reading this. I was in the mood
for a steampunk-ish fairy tale so of course this series came to my
mind. It's a childhood favourite for so many people it seems weird I
never read it. But maybe it wasn't so big in Finland?
really loved the narrative, it was so funny and gentle despite
stating all the time how the story wasn't. Some children's books make
me wonder if the writer has ever met children or if they've just
completely forgotten how it was to be a child but certainly not this
one. I think the best children's books are definitely the ones that
can be equally enjoyable to adults. And if an adult reader feels like
the writer is looking down on the reader's ability to understand
things, children are most likely going to feel like that too. But
this book was perfect! The explanative parts felt simply considerate.
What I
really appreaciate about this book is that it doesn't gloss over,
well, ”unfortunate events”, sadness, horror or even tabus. It
just keeps the narration at a distance where the reader has the
control over how close they want to get. And the children are always
portrayed in an empowering way, no matter how bad things get.
only thing that I wasn't so sure about was how much the narration
emphasized how badly the story was going to end. I mean, when it told
the reader to go read something else if they wanted to read happy
stories, I knew that as a kid, I actually would've put the book down.
And I know it would've been a shame if I had. I would've gotten too
scared to read it, even though the ending wasn't actually as
miserable as the narration made it sound.
and the art. It's. Just. Amazing. I love the illustrations so much I
have no words for it. The style is simply magical.
um, sure, I had a pretty fun reading month but it was only in Rebel
Belle that the ”fun” was why
I liked the book so... how about I won't set silly themes for myself
anymore. :D (Although I may have read all summer's worth of YA now. ^^')